these last two weeks.

They say When it rains, it pours.  Now I'm not sure who 'they' are, but I'm quite certain that 'they' came up with this line to foreshadow these last two weeks in my life.  To put it best, and figuratively, it just hasn't stopped raining.  For the last fourteen days, life has thrown everything imaginable … Continue reading these last two weeks.

even a kiss on new year’s eve isn’t ‘just a kiss’.

Some people say that "it's just a kiss", and as you get older you'll mostly hear "it's only sex" and/or "marriage is just a piece of paper".  Do me a favor: Don't believe these things.  If 'a kiss is just a kiss', then why do you sometimes find yourself with weak knees and butterflies in your stomach?  Explain that, cynics!  … Continue reading even a kiss on new year’s eve isn’t ‘just a kiss’.